Our Bikes are made of Wood from Certified FSC Reforestation Plantations. We use a mix of Pinewood, treated against funghi and rot  and the outside layers are according to clients' choice. Our standard outside layers are TEAK or African Mahogany but if available here in Brazil, can use others, if FSC certified. 



We use 3 and 4 mm thick strips of wood with fiberglass in between each strip cold molded on FORMS. After these parts are cured, they are finished to final format on jigs for shape, holes drilled where Inox screws and bolts will pass, finish and mounting parts together.

Taken from mold and cut to shape

Fork Laminates in mold

Finished Fork Set Up

All metal parts, including screws, bolts, washers, wheel supports are made of Inox Steel or Aluminum, so good for any clime.

As each wood strip wood is completely isolated via Epoxy resin, the bike can stay in the weather. Technique used for boat building.